

Kriya Yoga is a concept which utilizes both the power of science and religion, specifically spirituality, to discover the ultimate truth of self-realization.

Babaji’s Kriya Hatha Yoga prepares the body, especially the nerve system and the mind for higher spiritual practices. It utilizes physical movement, breathing and concept ration. There is a series of eighteen poses which are completed in nine pairs, with a pose followed by a counter-pose.

These exercises help to prevent or cure several incurable sicknesses, such as diabetes, asthma, thyroid, etc. When each asana (posture) is practiced in coordination with the breath, a state of awareness is developed and it helps to eliminate stress in the body and mind.

The asanas (postures) can purify & energize the body, calm & master the mind, if one practices them with concentration on the breath and the psychic centers (chakras) in the vital body. The practice of Kriya Yoga helps to maintain an overall healthy body, preventing any sicknesses or ailments.


Babaji’s Kriya Yoga is a practical yoga which is a proven system that develops ones capacity in all five levels of existence: physical, vital (emotional), mental, intellectual and spiritual.

1. Physical Body (Kriya Hatha Yoga) – physical postures that produce relaxation and stability.

2. Vital Body (Kriya Kundalini Pranayama) – breathing techniques to awaken and circulate one’s potential power and consciousness throughout the chakras, or psycho-energetic centers.

3. Mental Body (Kriya Dhyana Yoga) – the scientific art of mastering the mind through various concentration and meditation techniques to cleanse the subconscious mind of all superficial desires and any fears. 4,1 the Intellectual itrithy (Kriva tvInntra yoga,

4. Intellectual body (Kriya Mantra Yoga) .the silent, mental repetition of particular’ sounds to awaken the intellect to higher levels of consciousness and creative intelligence.

5. Spiritual Body (Kriya Bhakti Yoga) “Bhakthi Yoga” Love and devotion applies to the spiritual realm

These techniques which have been created and evolved by Satguru Kriya Babaji are simple to practice, in order to receive its benefits.

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